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Stephan Tylka

Sound Designer

The Blacksmith


The Blacksmith is a new video game set in  medieval times. In the game, the blacksmith roams the country side searching for clues that will lead him to a magical sword. 


It was my task to create all film and game audio for both the cinematic and gameplay demos. In order to meet this challenge I relied on sounds I recorded with my ZOOM H-5 handheld recorder and a few sounds found in an audio library. After editing all audio files, I was tasked with creating a functional mix within each demo.This included mixing in all ADR I had recorded  prior to building the blacksmith's world. After many adjustments, I was able to create a functional sound design reel for you to see!

I hope you enjoy my work! 

-Stephan Tylka



film sound, game audio, ADR, foley, sound effects, dialogue, editing, and more...

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